Lower Your Call Costs in 2016 with VoIP Telephone Systems

Lower Your Call Costs in 2016 with VoIP Telephone Systems


If there’s one expense that businesses are spending increasing amounts of money on, it’s their call costs. More and more companies are conducting their business on a global scale these days, whether they are sourcing suppliers from overseas, outsourcing their customer service or manufacturing departments, setting up multinational offices or simply commissioning work from freelancers all over the world. The nature of modern business gives us more reasons to make international calls than ever before, and this is increasingly reflected in our phone bills. Even those that aren’t necessarily making more long distance calls are increasingly affected by rising call costs as a result of the fact that their workforce is becoming more mobile. Technology has enabled workers to carry out their jobs equally as well from a variety of locations, whether they are working more from home or on the go. This is great for employees and it can reduce operational costs for businesses, but it also tends to mean that many more calls need to be made between co-workers and this can contribute to increased call costs.

This trend looks set to increase, but if you don’t want your call costs chipping away at the savings you’ve made from outsourcing and/or decentralising then you’d better make 2016 the year to focus on reducing the cost of your phone bills.

The truth is that your communications equipment could be the root cause of your rising phone bills. Yes, you’re make more calls and/or more long distance calls but this doesn’t necessarily have to be reflected in your call costs. It’s common for businesses to stick with their traditional business telephone lines and their trusty phone system that, undoubtedly, serves them well in every other respect. This is understandable; many people either fear change or are simply unaware of the alternatives.

However, by ditching your traditional PBX phone system in favour of a more modern alternative, you could see a rapid and dramatic reduction in your phone bills. VoIP telephone systems are becoming more popular by the day, amongst businesses of all sizes, and this is primarily due to their money-saving potential. Instead of the conventional phone lines that are required in order for your PBX system to make and receive calls, VoIP calls are carried over a broadband connection. By removing the need for the charge-per-minute lines we have depended on for so long and replacing them with the internet, VoIP makes distance largely irrelevant. What this means in terms of your phone bills is that long distance calls no longer need to cost more than local calls, hooray!

Many VoIP systems also offer free internal calls between every user of the system. This includes calls between all team members, regardless of their location. This means that calls are free between staff working across multiple sites and geographies, including home and mobile workers. Consequently, you will no longer need to worry about the rising cost of communication between members of your decentralised workforce.

So, if you’re keen to lower your business call costs in 2016, then the best thing you can do is to find out more about switching to a VoIP telephone system. There’s a lot to discover and you’ll find out that there’s many more benefits to VoIP, besides the money saving potential.

For more information, read our other posts on VoIP here: VoIP: The Basics and Why Small Businesses Should Switch to VoIP.

Alternatively, if you’re businesses is based in Birmingham and the surrounding areas, contact Midland Networks today on 0800 849 8585 to find out more about the benefits of VoIP telephone systems.