Is time on your side?

Is time on your side?




Anyone that runs a successful business will know that the path to the top is rarely easy. Even some of the biggest business success stories have, at times, stared oblivion in the face. Time is money in business and start-ups and SMEs, in particular, have limited quantities of each. Understanding the best way to manage the priceless asset that is time, is central to the growth and success of your business. To what extent do you really value your time? For the majority of us, the ability to get time on our side and use it efficiently is a core business goal and one that can remain frustratingly elusive.

Although small business owners often have outstanding administrative skills (a must have for anyone going into business!), it is common for them to be reluctant to hand over certain responsibilities to others. It can be difficult to let go and trust others to get the job done to a satisfactory standard. However, prioritising and delegating are fundamental to an approach that will free you up to concentrate on what’s most important – growing a successful business.

Do you feel as though time is on your side? An understanding of how to make the most out of your time is vital, if you want your business to survive. Below, you will find some helpful tips to assist you in maximizing your productivity and better managing your precious time.

Your goals define your action. Goals are absolutely essential to the success of your business. The first step in proper time management is to have a clearly defined long-term goal to work towards. Knowing the role of time management in attaining goals is key. First, imagine the big picture, the vision you have for your business and the qualities commonly attributed to successful business owners. Then, identify time management processes and strategies that will help you on your way to achieving your vision.

Once you have understood how vital time is to your business, you need to make space for your business to grow by carefully developing time management processes. Two confirmed and effective approaches to strong time management are delegating and prioritising. When you delegate responsibility and prioritise tasks, you are creating the space needed for your business to grow.

Prioritising entails a constant decision-making process, wherein you decide what is essential and then position tasks accordingly. Several individuals make use of software, smart techs, tables or lists to focus their efforts on the most important areas. Though it may sound simple, it is surprisingly effective. Prioritisation takes place only when you hold your big goals resolutely in place; always think of tasks in terms of how significant they are with regards to your long-term goals and then prioritise accordingly.

Delegating responsibility entails allocating tasks that you do not have time to do to others. For small businesses, delegation works best when you outsource work you do not have the time, expertise or experience to complete on your own. Lots of business owners battle with delegation, however it is a completely vital time management skill that needs to be mastered.

Although your business is likely to face critical points from time to time, you will be much better prepared for these if you have mastered the art of time management and have effective processes in place. IT and communications technology can help you to implement and monitor effective working processes. With the right business phone systems, for example, you can enjoy advanced capabilities such as Unified Communications, Call Management and Call Recording. This can also give you peace of mind that those you have delegated responsibilities to are adhering to your standards. For more information about the benefits of these technologies, contact Midland Networks today on 0800 849 8585.