Cat5 Cabling
The Evolution of the Cloud
The Evolution of the Cloud As early as the 1950’s, a man named Herb Grosch envisioned that the world would eventually operate on terminals which would be powered by less than 20 data centres. 65 years later, we grow ever closer to realising the vision of a man who knew speed was a pivotal principle…
EU Parliament to Vote on Net Neutrality Today
Today European parliament members are to vote on proposals over net neutrality law for the EU. The vote follows previous net neutrality reforms and calls for clearer legislation on the issue. Net neutrality refers to the concept that all internet traffic should be treated equally regardless of its content or origin. This would mean internet…
How to reduce stress when moving offices
How to reduce stress when moving offices Whether you’re switching across to the room next door, or relocating to the other side of the country – moving offices is a stressful and large job. It may seem obvious, but planning is your most important tool, and keeping up with your workload during the…
CNAwards 2015
CNAwards 2015 Last Thursday we had the pleasure of attending the 2015 Comms National Awards ceremony, which was held at Grand Connaught Rooms in London’s Covent Garden. After working extremely hard all year, it was great to take this rare opportunity to let our hair down and celebrate our achievements. We entered the 2015 Comms…
Top 5 iOS Business Apps
Top 5 iOS Business Apps Over the years, smartphones have become more and more crucial to the running of a business. Business mobiles now offer a wealth of apps that allow you to work more efficiently and effectively, as well as away from the office. Business mobile plans have evolved over the years, offering the…
Connectivity Rating Scheme Launched in London
Mayor of London Boris Johnson this week announced the introduction of a new “Connectivity Rating Scheme”, rating the quality of the internet connections in large buildings around London on a Platinum – Certified scale. For many businesses, the internet is essential. More and more work is now done over the internet and yet many businesses…
Government Presents New Plans to Help Consumers Switch
Today the Department for Business, Innovation & Skills released their ideas for a set of principles, aimed at making it easier for consumers to switch provider for a number of services, including telephone, broadband, and mobile. Research conducted by the Government has shown that more than three-quarters of consumers have never switched their mobile phone…
Upgrade to Cat6 Cabling for a Faster Network
Upgrade to Cat6 Cabling for a Faster Network Due to rapid advances in technology, modern businesses enjoy ever-growing data capacity and processing power. As a result, businesses are able to achieve much more much faster and benefit from greater productivity and efficiency. Running your business more efficiently allows you to benefit from reduced costs and…
Get the Best Telephone Support Birmingham
Get the Best Telephone Support Birmingham We are proud to be a local communications partner for businesses based in Birmingham and the West Midlands. With such a wide range of services on offer, we believe that we can offer the best telephone support services in Birmingham. As a Birmingham-based business, we understand the needs…
SME’s Gain Most From Digital Technology Investment
Virgin Media Business, in association with Oxford Economics, have today published their new research report, which suggests that an extra £92bn and one million jobs could be added to the UK economy if businesses of all sizes embraced digital technologies. Small to medium-sized enterprises are expected to gain a £56 billion boost through the availability…