Getting the Best out of Business Mobiles for Commuters

Getting the Best out of Business Mobiles for Commuters


The daily commute can be a drag but with your smartphone or tablet, you have a chance to make it more interesting or run more smoothly. No matter what sort of commute you enjoy or endure, the right mobile accessory can make it so much easier.

Traffic apps

If you drive, traffic is likely to be the bane of your life and you will want to stay in touch with any local accidents, delays or roadworks that will impact on your ability to get to work in the most convenient and stress-free manner. You could listen to local radio but this would mean putting up with inane chatter from personality-free hosts and hearing a run of terrible songs. It is far better to pair a traffic app up with your car’s Bluetooth or wireless device and stay up to date with any delays on the road.

There are apps for both Android and Apple users, with Commuter Hero Daily Traffic for Android users being a great app that has a title that lets you know exactly what it offers.

Save money

If you travel by train, did you know that it is often easier to split your journey up via the different stops along the route? You don’t need to get off at any point and it doesn’t cost you any hassle but splitting your journey can help you save money. Apps like Tickety Split, available for iOS users allows you to input your full journey and will provide you with any available ways to save money on your commute.

Business mobile contracts

While for many people, the thought of work is the last thing that they want to counter on the commute, there are plenty of people who see the daily commute as an opportunity to get work done and take care of business. This can allow people to stay up to date and it is something that many businesses are keen to promote. After all, if this is dead time, it can be used to make your life easier.

This is why one of the best mobile accessories for commuters may be business mobile contracts. A lot of people will be happy to undertake work during the commute but not if it is going to cost them. This is where businesses can be smart and supplying their employees with business mobiles that have contracts paid for. Creating an environment and business culture where people can login to their emails or research news or relevant stories, ensuring that they are up to speed by the time they arrive in the office can make a workplace more productive.

News apps

When it comes to keeping people engaged in the workplace, there is a great deal to be said for ensuring people are up to date with the latest news. This is why having a reliable and effective news app or provider for news on your smartphone makes sense. The right news app for you will depend on your location and your viewpoint on local and world events but there is no shortage of options or choices.